Member Benefits
As a member of Harold C Enloe Lodge 1, you will receive numerous benefits at the local, state, and national levels. One of the biggest benefits is that this is a member based organization and your opinion matters. Every member has the opportunity to bring up ideas or issues at lodge meetings and you also have an opportunity to cast a vote for your opinion.
Local Benefits
Legal Aid
One of the main benefits of being an FOP member is having legal aid coverage. We currently participate in the FOP Legal Defense plan which covers criminal and civil claims. Administrative claims are covered by the North Carolina Legal Aid plan. Members are allowed to choose their own attorney. Should you need a recommendation for an attorney, recommendations can be made by the Harold C Enloe Lodge 1 Executive Board.
Should you be involved in a critical incident, an attorney along with the Critical Incident Team will respond to assist you.
As a member, you will have representation to address various issues that may arise in your career.
The Harold C Enloe Lodge 1 Executive Board receives feedback from our members several times a year and we address those concerns with the Chief of Police and/or Executive Command Staff.. What is discussed in the meetings is always shared with ALL of the members.
The Harold C Enloe Lodge 1 Executive Board also keeps an open line of communication with our elected officials so when a situation happens, we can try to resolve it together. Should it be an issue we disagree with, our lodge will let them know that as well.
We are here to represent our members. Should you need help with anything, you can contact one of the Harold C Enloe Lodge 1 Executive Board members for assistance.
Our lodge meetings are open to all members and our members are encourage to attend and participate. For those who are unable to attend, we have a listserv which we send out information about discussed in the meetings. Additional information, special meetings and events are also sent out through the list through social media.
State Benefits
Line of Duty Death Benefit
As an FOP member, we know that you will be faced with times of danger and we want to assure you family is cared for. In case something happens on duty to our NCFOP members in good standing, a donation of up to $10,000 may be approved by a vote of the NCFOP Executive Board.​
Legislative Action
The NCFOP fights for better retirement, better training and more safeguards for law enforcement. We do this by having constant representation in Raleigh at the State Legislative Offices lobbying on our behalf. Our legislative agent communicates with your local senator or representative to either support or not support bills and laws on behalf of the FOP
Locally, your lodge may want to express concerns of local officers with city council members or county commissioners to assure your salary and benefits are taken into consideration when large decisions take place. NO, we are not a Union, but we can act as a group and voice concerns about our jobs.
FOP License Plate
The Fraternal Order of Police has been authorized to offer a FOP License Plate to our Active Members. Currently there are over 5,000 plates on the road. To apply for an FOP Plate, go to your closest license plate agency and fill out an application for a Civic Club License Plate. The fee will be $30 per year. You must carry your FOP Active Member card with you when applying for this plate.
National Benefits
Legislative Action
The National Lodge of the FOP works with all branches of the federal government on behalf of its members. The FOP has gained the title as “The Voice of the Nation’s Law Enforcement” for its work.
Free College opportunities for members and their families.
Travel benefits including rental car and vacation packages.
***For college and travel benefits, visit www.fop.net for more details.***